Volkswagen ESP System

To explain the Electronic Stability Program of Volkswagen simply and uniquely, we created a fun and metaphoric print campaign that might help people understand better
how it works – or at least try.

Idea & illustration: Fer Quiroz


Dormimundo Efforts

We all have dreams, but to fulfill them might take us a long, long time and tremendous effort. But not necessarily.
Not if you sleep on a good, comfortable mattress that makes your dreams come true in just one blink of an eye.

Idea & illustration: Fer Quiroz


Molotov Fruits

Fruits are good for us, only until mixed with someone
with a bad reputation, like vodka. So how do you represent this contrast in a smart and fun way? By using colorful
and simple illustrations that demonstrate the innocence
and goodness of fruits misbehaving due to their relationship and the bad influence of vodka.

Illustration: Fer Quiroz


VMLY&R Posters